Is this another example of good sound Republican thinking? - sound of orgazm
A person who has a bad opinion, and ask someone uses "late" behind closed doors, and apologizes.
Person B has delayed a major media of the country, and announced on air that "serves our company as a good place to policy have been met, a huge insult to call a group of people delayed.
Conclusion Republicans? A person is evil, person B is a saint.
I do not care. I am not to be distracted. I keep my eye on the movements of the snake oil Obama.
They left on the only information that matters to Republicans: A person is a Democrat, a Republican Pesron B.
HA! Excellent!
It is less than Sarah Palin with their disabled child, make political points.
"Cream insult to all God's children with disabilities, and cognitive development - and those who love them - is unacceptable,"
I see the great thing about the word.
Suddenly, it's an ugly word.
Sounds good to me. This is another example of the Democrats to destroy the economy? ...
You're an idiot.
That's right. They do not dare to say that both are wrong.
That's right. They do not dare to say that both are wrong.
Yes Neocon 101 Demonize someone who is not conservative, as the Republican Party in America and the hypocrisy is not only necessary, so good.
In keeping my eyes on the ball and the ball eight years, I'm big on finding Obama with a painted. I'm with the little quarrels and discussions on the question He Said She Said.
Person B should have closed her mouth with staples at the hospital in Hawaii. I was able to lose weight, stop anti-pain pills and give her dirty mouth a break.
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